
Enquire (no-commitment) about SAM
in-person school music lessons this September

We are reaching out to parents whose children may want in-person school music lessons this September.
SAM will be offering 30-minute GUITAR, PIANO and VOCAL lessons
Small group (4 students) £7.95 per student
Paired £14.95 per student
Individual tuition £20.50
Lessons will take place during and after school times, exact days will be confirmed shortly.
Based on this feedback we will assertain how many of our fantastic tutors we can provide the school!
This is a first come, first served basis; so please show you interest today! (We will be in touch over the summer holiday!)

Online lessons
Click for more info

Free no-commitment taster lesson, lesson recordings,
multiple discounts and much more!

 School lessons
Click for more info

Lessons taking place in the school day,
access to mySAM bookings and lesson reports!


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